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Category: Apps


New Year … New Money Mindset

As we begin the transition from one year to the next, we inevitably find ourselves looking at things with a renewed perspective. We tend to think about both all that we are grateful for and all that can be improved upon. And for many business owners, one area of improvement relates to their mindset surrounding money. With another tax season just on the horizon, it is even more of a priority to shift the historically negative money mindset of business owners and begin to have the conversations that matter most when it comes to their financials.

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Celebrating a Decade of Financial Empowerment

As we mark our 10th year in business, it’s impossible not to reflect on the incredible journey that has brought us to this milestone. We are well aware that celebrating a decade in business is a significant achievement, especially given the fact that nearly 80% of businesses don’t make it past the five-year mark. So, on this momentous occasion, we want to take the opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our clients—many of whom have been with us nearly every step of the way. We know that we wouldn’t be here without your trust, support, and unwavering partnership.

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2022 Reflections … FynOps Successfully Completes Techstars Accelerator

December always seems like an appropriate time for reflection. As we close out one year and look optimistically to the next, we can’t help but consider how we got here to plan where we’re going. For us, as we reflect on the past twelve months, we are incredibly thankful for all our clients, strategic partners, and the incredible opportunities that presented themselves to us.

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Personal vs. Business Budgeting

As an entrepreneur, it is essential to know how to properly manage both your personal finances and your business finances. At its simplest form, budgeting is the creation of a spending plan to determine in advance your income and outgoing

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Must Have Accounting Tools For Businesses

When people think of accounting they often think of the myriad of time-consuming, mundane tasks involved. While many of these tasks may seem insignificant from an outside perspective, the truth is that in accounting the devil is in the details.

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Must Have Accounting Tools for Businesses

When people think of accounting they often think of the myriad of time-consuming, mundane tasks involved. While many of these tasks may seem insignificant from an outside perspective, the truth is that in accounting the devil is in the details.

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