How to improve the revenue & profit in your business. Free webinar June 25th.  Click here to register.

Celebrating a Decade of Financial Empowerment

As we mark our 10th year in business, it’s impossible not to reflect on the incredible journey that has brought us to this milestone. We are well aware that celebrating a decade in business is a significant achievement, especially given the fact that nearly 80% of businesses don’t make it past the five-year mark. So, on this momentous occasion, we want to take the opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our clients—many of whom have been with us nearly every step of the way. We know that we wouldn’t be here without your trust, support, and unwavering partnership.

Our Ten-Year Evolution—From Humble Beginnings to Much More

As some will remember, we began our entrepreneurial voyage as a small bookkeeping company, offering invoicing, billing, payroll, transaction reconciliation, and other services to small and medium-sized businesses. Over time, we expanded our horizons into accounting technology consulting, further assisting our clients in achieving their financial goals in the most efficient ways possible. And it was through these varied experiences that we realized we could provide the most value by offering outsourced Chief Financial Officer (CFO) services to our clients, who were continuously striving for stability and growth.

Throughout this transformation, one foundational aspect remains the same—our unwavering commitment to our clients. We’ve always been dedicated to helping them navigate the intricacies of their financials with ease and understanding, demystifying the numbers that often seem overwhelming. We do this based on the premise that their success is our success, and we are confident that this mindset has driven our progress and evolution over the past decade.

The Birth of FynOps

It’s no secret that passion fuels innovation. Enter FynOps—our financial operations platform designed to address the pressing needs of businesses seeking timely and accurate financial data. FynOps is a streamlined Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform that consolidates multi-channel financials and insights, offering real-time information on the financial health of a business. And it is a new, exciting chapter for us here at Agile Planners. In fact, we are extremely proud to share that FynOps has recently been honored with the “Best SME Financial Operations Platform 2023” award—a testament to the value it brings to businesses seeking financial clarity and efficiency.

A Passion for Financial Literacy Empowerment

Regardless of the way in which we do it, our ultimate goal is to help businesses truly understand their numbers, eliminating the frustration that often accompanies them. Instead of being overwhelmed, we want individuals to feel empowered by their financial data, equipped to make informed decisions, and confident in their financial futures. Reflecting on the past decade, we’ve realized that our true passion lies in this realization—demystifying money for others.

Money should not be a source of fear or uncertainty, as it often is. Rather, it should be a tool of empowerment. We are also particularly committed to promoting financial equity, especially concerning women. Women deserve equal compensation and financial empowerment just as much as their male counterparts. It’s a vision we are dedicated to turning into reality, and we work toward it every single day.

As we approach Thanksgiving, our hearts are bursting with gratitude for all that we’ve accomplished and for the relationships we’ve built along this remarkable ten-year journey. What started as business relationships have blossomed into friendships over the years, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. These relationships have been our driving force, and we look forward to the continued growth and success we will achieve together. Thank you for being a part of our journey, and here’s to the next decade of financial empowerment and success!

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