How to improve the revenue & profit in your business. Free webinar June 25th.  Click here to register.

Must Have Accounting Tools for Businesses

When people think of accounting they often think of the myriad of time-consuming, mundane tasks involved. While many of these tasks may seem insignificant from an outside perspective, the truth is that in accounting the devil is in the details. These details add up, however, and result in wasted time that could be better spent elsewhere. After all, in any industry, time is money. So how do you streamline these pesky tasks without actually bypassing them? By adding solid tools to your arsenal. These productivity tools aren’t just software to optimize cash flow, automate invoicing, and manage bookkeeping, they can be as simple as the right instruments to help you stay organized and motivated. Below you will find our must-have tool recommendations.

Our Top Tech Tool Recommendations for 2021

Tech Equipment

When it comes to technology, lagging or unresponsive equipment can really slow down your process. It might not seem like it at the moment, but seconds add up to minutes which add up tohours in the long run. It’s important to have reliable gadgets with speed, precision and responsiveness in order to stay on track and maintain a professional appearance. Here are our top choices for tech equipment:

Office Supplies

Office supplies help to keep your paperwork and your thoughts organized. When choosing accounting office supplies, there are several things you need to keep in mind: practicality, reusability, performance, and comfort. Even a pen can make a great difference after you find yourself holding it for hours and expecting the ink not to smudge. These are our must-have office supplies:


When all is said and done, what will ultimately make the biggest, most noticeable difference in your work process is the software you have on hand. Ineffective use of software can be just as bad as not having any software at all as it can slow you down, create new challenges, and require a substantial learning curve. The right software, on the other hand, can eliminate manual and repetitive tasks, minimize your chances of error, and increase your productivity significantly.Below you will find what we consider essential software in this day and age:

  • Dubsado – It’s a CRM and then some. You can create contracts, canned emails, event contact forms for your website.
  • Tsheets – Best software for tracking time. We recommend tracking time for both billable and internal time
  • QuickBooks Online – QBO is our accounting software of choice. Use the link to secure 50% off your subscription for the first year.
  • Shift – Game changer in productivity! If you have multiple Gmail accounts, this will eliminate the need for multiple tabs.
  • Clickup – The motherload of productivity apps! We love that it is such a robust software.


No matter your industry or position, it is always important to stay motivated and work on improving yourself. There is a lot of competition out there and the only way to stand out and move up the ladder of success is to grow professionally. But professional growth cannot be done without personal growth. Fortunately, you don’t have to figure it out on your own. The following are resources that we have found to be eye-opening, informative and motivational in helping us become our best professional selves:

Accounting Services In South Florida

At Agile Planners, we believe in working smarter, not just harder. There are a lot of processes in accounting that have been stuck in the past for far too long. We partner with businesses to help get their technology integrated, resulting in saved time, improved reporting, elimination of bottlenecks, and overall optimization of accounting functions. For more recommendations on tools and accounting services in South Florida that can help increase efficiency in your business, contact us today.

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