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Category: Productivity

love your business
Grow Your Business

Fall Back in Love with Your Business

It’s February. We can’t help but envision long-stemmed red roses, heart-shaped boxes filled with delicious chocolates, and, above all else, love. But when we think of love, it doesn’t necessarily have to be limited to the people who are most important in our lives. How about remembering what we believe in? Or what inspires us? How about falling back in love with our business?

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best year yet

Your Best Year Yet

Somehow, it’s the end of January already. As you close the month and look ahead, are you finding yourself prepared and organized for the next eleven months or just getting by day by day? If you’re in the latter group, it’s time for a reminder about the importance of budgeting and forecasting to make sure 2022 is your best year yet. After all, without a roadmap, how will you know how to reach your destination?

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Your 2021 Year-End Accounting Checklist

Unwrapping our Gift to You this Holiday Season It’s December. The holidays are upon us. Employees are requesting time off. Clients still need attention (and often, more of it). You’re trying to juggle your own personal obligations and family time.

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Accounting Automation vs Marketing Automation

Understanding the right tools for the right job is key here. Take accounting for example. Would you use a CRM to manage your books? I would hope not. In the case of automation, this is where specialized accounting automation software

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Agile Planners CFO Services

The role of a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) has changed a lot throughout the last decade. Traditionally, their role included reporting, preparing for audits, controlling the treasury and overseeing financial teams. Although financial leaders still take on those traditional responsibilities,

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How To Close The Month In Accounting

As a business owner, sometimes it can be difficult to keep up with bookkeeping and accounting tasks on your own. However, it is very important for the health of your business to have standard procedures in place to close the

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Personal vs. Business Budgeting

As an entrepreneur, it is essential to know how to properly manage both your personal finances and your business finances. At its simplest form, budgeting is the creation of a spending plan to determine in advance your income and outgoing

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Must Have Accounting Tools For Businesses

When people think of accounting they often think of the myriad of time-consuming, mundane tasks involved. While many of these tasks may seem insignificant from an outside perspective, the truth is that in accounting the devil is in the details.

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Must Have Accounting Tools for Businesses

When people think of accounting they often think of the myriad of time-consuming, mundane tasks involved. While many of these tasks may seem insignificant from an outside perspective, the truth is that in accounting the devil is in the details.

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