How to improve the revenue & profit in your business. Free webinar June 25th.  Click here to register.

Category: E-commerce


2022 Reflections … FynOps Successfully Completes Techstars Accelerator

December always seems like an appropriate time for reflection. As we close out one year and look optimistically to the next, we can’t help but consider how we got here to plan where we’re going. For us, as we reflect on the past twelve months, we are incredibly thankful for all our clients, strategic partners, and the incredible opportunities that presented themselves to us.

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E-Commerce Bookkeeping … Not All Bookkeeping is the Same

When business owners hear the word “bookkeeping” (or any variation thereof), they automatically think balance sheets and profit and loss statements. They wouldn’t necessarily be wrong, as bookkeeping is inextricably tied to those important reports. But more and more today, there is another meaning attached to the term — a meaning with roots in something that has become a new norm in business and society — e-commerce.

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CFO Services

The Top 3 Post-Pandemic Challenges and CFO Solutions

Businesses continue to face unprecedented challenges in our post-pandemic world. The aftermath of this trying time is filled with businesses that, although able to survive, continue to struggle with issues surrounding technology, rising prices, and inventory, to name a few. However, business owners need not face these difficult issues alone. To that end, we’ve compiled the top three post-pandemic challenges faced by businesses today and how a CFO can help overcome them.

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The Sales Tax Nexus Demystified

Once upon a time in the “good old days,” businesses did not have to worry about sales tax when selling online. E-commerce was a selling channel free from the compliance headaches of filing sales tax, way back when. Until the

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