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Category: QuickBooks

best year yet

Your Best Year Yet

Somehow, it’s the end of January already. As you close the month and look ahead, are you finding yourself prepared and organized for the next eleven months or just getting by day by day? If you’re in the latter group, it’s time for a reminder about the importance of budgeting and forecasting to make sure 2022 is your best year yet. After all, without a roadmap, how will you know how to reach your destination?

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Your 2021 Year-End Accounting Checklist

Unwrapping our Gift to You this Holiday Season It’s December. The holidays are upon us. Employees are requesting time off. Clients still need attention (and often, more of it). You’re trying to juggle your own personal obligations and family time.

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Financial Planning

Modern Financing Options

When thinking about the fundamentals of a successful business, most people overlook the importance of financing. Financing is one of the most crucial elements a company needs to have long-term success. Getting loans from traditional lenders can be challenging, especially

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Agile Planners CFO Services

The role of a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) has changed a lot throughout the last decade. Traditionally, their role included reporting, preparing for audits, controlling the treasury and overseeing financial teams. Although financial leaders still take on those traditional responsibilities,

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